What is Emotional Integration?
There is an expression which has its roots in the ancient traditions of the Tibetan Monks in the Himalayan Mountains. The expression is referred to as ‘Burning through your karma.’
What the monks meant when made inference to this act was to literally sit and surrender so deeply that you allowed all of your suppressed emotional charges to surface for integration.
In this sense, integration refers to something much more profound than a simple ‘emotional release.’
To have an emotional release is to simply express or vent your surface layer of emotional debris that has accumulated from your daily or weekly living cycle.
This can happen from the simple act of a ‘good cry’ or ‘exploding with anger.’ The individual feels much better in the moment, but it is only a temporary fix.
To have an actual ‘integration’ is much more profound. This is because you are surrendering so deeply that suppressed emotional charges are allowed to finally surface to the light of day.
When you do this, which is to say integrate a deeply held suppressed emotional charge, there is a permanent healing that takes place. This is the primary difference between a simple emotional release vs. an emotional integration. One makes you feel better for a few days, perhaps weeks while the other creates permanent healing and a permanent shift in the way you see the world. You literally see the world in a different way due to the fact that this process also spontaneously creates a new neural network.
When you successfully integrate suppressed emotional charges you will literally, permanently, think differently.
Emotional Integration is the fast track to permanent emotional healing.
More often than not, the origin point of an underlying, chronic or systemic illness is due to a deeply held, suppressed emotional charge. In the instance that you may be attempting to integrate your suppressed emotional charges in order to heal an illness you must focus on integrating the emotions you feel as a result of the illness, not the illness itself.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which can otherwise haunt an individual for their entire lifetime, can easily be integrated in one sitting. It can happen in as little as 5 minutes. This is because, instead of addressing it at the level of the mental body, where it is not, emotional integration goes straight to the source which is the suppressed emotional charge.
This is also why traditional therapy can be frustrating for someone with post traumatic stress disorder because discussing it at the level of the mental body does nothing to change it. Often, the individual is simply given coping tools to try to adapt to society.
Rather, emotional integration offers permanently healing, and in much less time. By less time we mean the potential of 5 minutes as opposed to 15 years.
The idea of complete and total surrender to these emotions, when not prepared and without the proper framework, can seem intimidating and even terrifying. Yet, when facilitated properly, can be accomplished with much less trauma and in very short order.
Emotional integration is also the fast track to permanently healing anxiety and depression.
You may feel trapped on some form of prescription medication which, in and of itself, can create further anxiety. Now, on top of the anxiety generated from having the suppressed emotional charge, there is an additional, underlying backdrop of subtle anxiety created by the fact that you have to rely upon something external, outside of yourself to feel better. This always perpetuates both the original anxiety as well as the now added anxiety of needing to rely upon a pharmaceutical to maintain societal functionality.
For some people this is the only way that they can maintain their life and livelihood, this is fully acknowledged and understood. However, you needn’t be a prisoner to pharmaceuticals indefinitely. Through emotional integration, you can begin to, slowly but surely, wean yourself off of the meds as you gradually go through the process of integrating your suppressed emotional charges.
Given that some people need medications to be able to continue to function it’s understood and not judged that they do so. It’s simply that now you have the choice to begin to reclaim your freedom and it’s likely easier than you think.
As a Performance Coach I offer Emotional Integration as both an integral part of my Coaching as well as a standalone tool to do sessions with people who need it.
It is effective for:
Unexplained, chronic, or prolonged illnesses

For some clients it’s an integral part of the coaching. For others we only touch upon it briefly. And there are a few who don’t need it as they have somehow organically found a way to integrate their suppressed emotions on their own.
Deep surrender is the key, but in my opinion is much more effective and safer to have someone facilitate the process. Yet, anyone can learn to do this on their own.
The key is remembering or relearning how to feel. Once you can begin to authentically feel then you can begin to really do the work on yourself in earnest. However, if you are unfamiliar with the ability to feel then you may have great difficulty in performing emotional integration on yourself.
There is a term referred to as ‘felt resonance’ which is the learned ability to actually feel your way, deep within yourself, to the deeply held suppressed emotional charges. Someone who becomes adept at this can begin to integrate virtually at will.
However, for most people, my opinion is that it is much safer to have this process facilitated for yourself.
The end result of successful emotional integration is such profound freedom. It is literally a new lease on life.